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Letting Go & Loving You

We must first understand what it really means to be in a relationship, and if we've boarded the correct ship it in the first place.

To start Let's Fully grasp the word relationship...

In the first place a relation is how you relate to something or someone and have in common. If you relate or can relate, then it becomes a relationship, something you may carry on with.

So you may ask yourself, how do you relate with that person? Why are you attracted to them? What do they have they can bring to your table and fill up your cup?

Secondly, what do they have to talk about? Is it something that you have an interest in?

Ask these questions and wonder, is what you two are related in going to take you to the next level in life, and where you'd like to go? How? Who will steer the relationship in what areas? When?

A relationship with someone is about you surely want to make sure you're on for a good and safe ride. When you can relate well, it seemingly becomes a partnership whether with friends, family or lover.

As soon as you may have a misunderstanding, don't jump off the boat. Make sure to listen and understand that individual. But if there's no resolution, it may be time to get off the next exit at least for a little while, and pour into you. Get to know you and shower yourself with understanding about your desires.
Self love + Me time= Steering Provision & focus

Sometimes, it may be the best option to. Understand your feelings and become one with yourself. Know how to pour into you for some time so that your needs are taken care of. That's always a great solution, to love you.

Even if its for only a few minutes to dust yourself off, find a new perspective angle and then try again. Find your self love algorithm, how much you need to pour into you before they are ready to talk or listen. Even a bird understands that to zoom in is to become one with the vision and focus, but to zoom out is to see the big picture and find solutions, clarity and provision.

So go ahead and love you. Release what is holding you and become free. Never be afraid to release someone who is committed to misunderstanding you, they may need to zoom out as well to get the big picture. Always remember that when you let go, you allow God to make miracles happen in your life and he is most likely working on refilling

you right now.

During your me time you can do shadow work, I suggest my Book

Available on:

The Keys to Queenship book has workbook exercises of releasing the past and starting a new in a few easy steps!

Zoom out and get your "Me Time" so that you can see a new way, or even find the keys to a new door of opportunity.

Keep on rocking on, and stay fulfilled. Love You.

Your Confidant,


Also visit Goldstar747 at and Heaven Plug on tik tok now!

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